
Adding your site to MSN Search

< 1 minute read

Microsoft through its search engine have been playing catch up lately and have released a new search service. This is gaining popularity mainly because of the NineMSN connection.

To list your site on MSN go to and add a search term in the web search box.

The search term should be the main one you would like your site to be listed under.

Once you have submitted your search and gained results go to the bottom of the page and look for the link Didn’t get the results you expected? Help us improve. click on this link (it will include your search term) and submit your site.

You can do this multiple times if you like on different search terms as it goes into a system and is not monitored by humans.

If your site is not listed in the MSN index and if its setup indeed matches those search terms it will be indexed under those terms in the future (on what page number is anyones guess)