PropTechNOW turns 10 and Celebrates

2 minute read turns “10” this month and boy are they celebrating, giving 10% off their “professional” design services on top of sending out an email to all integrated agents titled “TERMINATION of your free Listing Facility on your website”, ……..yes this post is a little tongue in cheek, but a lesson in communication.

The email was followed quickly by a clarification and apology, but it does go deeper than that. The email signifies how sees their own position of strength and perhaps a slightly disturbing glimpse into how they view their agents.

However it is a great feat that a company such as has weathered the boom and bust of the Internet and is in such a strong position nationally and perhaps soon in New Zealand.

Logon to and have a look at how the site has evolved (and others) over a period of 10 years. takes snapshots of nearly all websites and keeps an archive of these for posterity. It is a wonderful system.

So to congratulations on a wonderful achievement and a continual drive for innovation. I am from time to time very harsh on this company but they are by far the leaders in real estate in Australia and should serve as a lesson to Fairfax and Sensis on how to go about building a business through partnerships and good leadership.