
Though shalt not be stupid!

2 minute read

After’s communication blunder early in the week, a very not so clever representative tried to take advantage by sending out a bulk email to Queensland real estate agents, with the catchphrase “Experience the service that we are famous for”

Hmmmm, this bulk email included their email server being caught in some kind of loop and one source I spoke to had received over 200 of the same email over and over again in one day, costing valuable resources and money. This included an attachment and the email was forwarded to me.

I read through it and it definitely was opportunistic, but also pretty darn dumb.

If that is not enough, the amateur who sent it out obviously does not know what Blind Carbon Copy (BCC) means, because each email contained every single email address of all the recipients throughout Queensland. Something even my IT dud mum knows how to do!

Questions also arise with the word “Spam” bandied about and my feeling is that Domain may in fact need some help from their lawyers!

It astonishes me that companies with such resources do not have systems in place to make sure these things never happen.

And as for “the service we are Famous for” tag, I mean please! Oxford English Dictionary definition


• adjective 1. known about by many people. 2. informal magnificent

Now I have never heard one agent tell me about their famous service and doubt I will never hear any agent call their service ‘magnificent’.

So it looks as though we have a 2005 leader in the Dumb and Dumber Award and it is the first time in a long time Domain have trumped in anything!