
Domain Number One in NSW?

2 minute read

Roberts S sent me this Fairfax email this morning, although, I did also receive 15 of them in my email inbox, so here it is! Domain is number one in NSW!

Didn’t I just receive an email from claiming the same? It seems we now have a split as to what research firms each are taking their results from.

To me it is just a lot of big companies thumping their chests as each of you agents know who you get your enquiries from and the quality of these enquiries.

If Domain are number one in NSW then must be giving them an absolute beating in all other states. 108,000 more visitors, it will be interesting to know what the girls and boys at say about this.
Domain is also claiming to be an innovator, maybe there are just too many agents that don’t believe this guff!

I would prefer to see these sites actually concentrate on improving their sites for users and agents rather than going for this one-up-manship all the time.

Your thoughts?