
Google to Launch Real Estate Beta in 2007?

3 minute read

Not much of a shock here but this could be the biggest thing of 2007 and should cause meetings across Australia at the highest levels of the real estate portal industry long before it launches. I found this at an Ajax site and it looks real to me and it is an obvious extension to Google search by looking at the screen shots. My thinking is yes!

But how will and act if it is in fact true? Doubtful they will do anything at first, but once agents started getting true results then I am sure agency prices will drop across the board.
Is this Google Real Estate Beta? Looks at some of these screen shots

Users search Google as per normal but obviously keywords used will bring results and refinement of these results.

You can see you can refine and sort results by price, bedroom bathroom, most recent etc.

Seems simple doesn’t it. I think this will force all agencies to begin making sure all of their sites are built to optimise listings in this search engine (this is called open standards) and you will see in the future I think that Google will also eventually build (or buy) its own application for adding listings.

So what does this mean for you – the agent?

Make sure your new development is built using open standards. This means basically creating your site in a manner that identiaifes every string of data for searching, storage and optimisation. A good start would be development in HTML, XML, RSS and with a MySQL Database using CSS (Cascading Stylesheets)

There are a number of resources online. It also means dumping any Flash or pretty VR Tours that can make it hard for information to be identified. Basically a site developed correctly would be able to be indexed by every search engine and syndication system available today.

This may be a hoax, I am not sure, but mark my words if Google do real estate in search, fast to follow will be Yahoo and MSN and this will basically spell the end for big portals pulling money from agents. I think we will first see Google pulling data from websites and then follow with their own systems. I wonder if major portals will block indexing from these sites?
It makes perfect sense for these companies to do real estate as it is one of the most popular searches on the Internet!