
MyHome gets set for launch!

2 minute read

So here we go, apparently Monday is MyHome Day…..So what can we expect? I have as much of an idea as anyone but if they get the mix right, it could be a giant killer. You can safely say that will be in their short term sites and you can also bet that any property related TV show will be spruiking the MyHome brand. Talk of a MyHome TV show has already fuelled whispers that major portals are clamouring to get some TV deals done themselves with other networks.

TV rips newspapers apart from a marketing perspective and MyHome will working hard to get vendors asking that question (which REA has done so effectively with News Ltd papers in the past) to agents “are you on MyHome?”

One thing is for sure, it will have maps but not from Google but from MSN (which are excellent also). It will also have exactly the same data as REA property data because franchises would not be adding to their system and testing new fields to export. Will it be a media filled home page or will it be clever, clean and fast? I do not hold much hope for a clean site as NineMSN is a perfect example of treating your guests with contempt. (although updated version is better – but still a pain)

My thoughts on the release is simple. It will be more about the marketing to vendors and placing pressure on agents to join the site. It will also drive another nail in the coffin of newspapers (I know Robert disagrees).

I hope for a nice clean, fast site that is all about property listings. I know they come here and read this blog, but do they listen to the voices that are crying out for something agent/listings focused?

Time will tell – your thoughts?