PropTechNOW Communications Grind to a Halt… Again!

2 minute read

In the past has often been caught out shouting from the rooftops about some new innovation or initiative they are releasing only for it to be dumped once the gloss had worn off and the ink had dried on the press release.

Past inclusions of dumped or forgotten initiatives include the REA Labs which was launched right in the end of 2006 highlighting REA as the global innovator when they tried to mirror Google Labs but has never been updated since.

Then there was REAIAC (The REA Industry Advisory Council) which according to was the peak industry body. The participants were suppose to change every year but nothing ever seemed to come from this mystery body other than a few REAIAC members releasing a paragraph or two on their opinions on the market. Pfffttt… all that waiting for the peak industry body for their own opinions on a failing market! It seems that claims by a few that the REAIAC was simply a boys club to pat select clients on the back appear even more accurate in hindsight.

Now it seems the REA blogs have gone the way of the dodo. Somebody forgot to advise their chief webmaster though as the blogs still feature on the homepage menu.

Here are the latest posts on each of the REA blogs:

It seems in all the confusion and corporate reshuffle someone forgot to keep the communications lines open at . Maybe one day they will understand that being an innovator is more than just declaring it and coming up with some new concepts. They have to follow through with it sometimes.