PropTechNOW launch

3 minute read

Well after taking a little time to build our new real estate news and information technology website, we are pleased to launch with a few new features under the hood. We have beefed up our SEO and added a number of new features to make the site a little more appealing.


A few years ago, upgrading was a breeze, today however is a different story, we have over 1000 pages on the site, just the XML file runs into the 10’s of megabytes (thats pretty big). So having said that, there will be a few bugs and issues over the next few days. Of course this isn’t perfect, but hey, you can at least see what we go through. This site has taken about a month to build and whilst we have taken care on most things, it is inevitable on a site this size that there will be some issues. In other words – please be patient πŸ™‚

Below are some of the new features.

Featured Articles

Yes, we write some rubbish that no one cares to comment on, but every now and then a writer stumbles upon something of note. In the past each new article took over from the previous article. Now we are going to keep our top five in the feature article section, we will refresh these continuously.

Greet Box

We now can write up greetings in our Welcome section depending on where the user came from. Each message now can be customised to a new visitor, whether they come from Google, Yahoo, MSN and other websites. It is a pretty cool little feature, that we will build upon.


You can now subscribe by email, follow updates on Twitter, RSS news and RSS comments feed.

Link Lists

We have now added a large amount of links to companies and products and services you may find of interest and divided them up into two categories Portal Links and General Links. If you would like your company added to this fill in this form.

Please do not be upset if we reject you, it may be a great product or a great service, but we want relevance on this site and not just a mass of links.

Also, if you are already listed (first link is free) and you want to be in multiple categories then you will have to pay an additional annual fee. History has shown me that most companies think they fit under about 50 free categories, but find once charges are involved they fit perfectly into one or two at the most.

Author Profiles

We have also given authors a little more of a profile on the site and have some exciting new authors beginning next week. If you think you can contribute contact us and we will consider your application along with others. Remember, this is a site for real estate agents and the real estate industry.


We have also added Twitter extensively though out the site. If you would like to follow us on Twitter click here. You can also follow us as individuals – just go to our contributors page.


We have now added polls to our site. The first one is below, tell us what you think of our new website? Good, bad and the ugly!

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