
Google +1 Like button

< 1 minute read

Google has become a little bit more social with the launch of its +1 Like button available to be added to any website. This button allows web uses to recommend and share content with their networks, family and friends.

The button is similar to the facebook Like or Twitter Retweet buttons and is an attempt by Google to increase its presence on the web. The button can be seen on all Business2 posts.

Google Product Manager Nick Radicevic announced:

Adding the +1 button could help your site to stand out by putting personal recommendations right at the moment of decision, on Google search. So if you have users who are fans of your content, encourage them to add their voice with +1!

Google have also indicated that they may use +1 data as a signal for improving search results in the future.

To date I only know of one Australian real estate portal who have implemented the Google +1 like button across all of their property pages.