I was recently sent the below video which I thought was a clever marketing campaign produce by a Melbourne real estate agency Philip Webb. The campaign is based around the agency highlighting that print advertising is Jurassic comparing it to a dinosaur. They go on to say that the “Webb revolution is here” through the innovative digital advertising they offer.
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Digital Readers, Media, Newspapers
June 13, 2009
Internet + Journalism will save newspapers?
Written By
Ryan O'Grady
Ryan has been involved in the real estate industry for a number of years. During this time he has operated web based real estate businesses along with provided consulting to the real estate software development industry.
Ryan operates Agentpoint.com.au and is actively involved with the design and development of real estate systems, software and web sites in the United States, Australia and New Zealand.
Stephen Neate
There are lots of things to like about that video. Its simple, to the point, and using todays medium to point out that yesterdays medium is not so relevant.
I also really like that fact that it is a marketing video promoting to their current and potential leads what to do, whilst “Subtly” pointing out who they are. 40 years in the industry already, and if that video is the standard of their marketing many more to come.
Glenn Rogers
Good message already known by many, I’m not so sure that ads in the Weekly and Review etc don’t improve awareness, but certainly the Age has had it, I might say if they’d taken my advice 5 years ago it might have been different, big statement yes but I believe it to be true.
Back to the subject, as a home owner I think I’d like to see my house in a colour spread in the Weekly and Review, I do think people scan it generally…. and might be inspired to do something whereas online people have already made up their mind to buy and don’t need convincing.
Peter D'Arcy
Hi – I agree with Greg – The Courier Mail like the Age has plummeted in no of properties advertising. 18 months ago there were 150 properties published in the Courier each Saturday in the suburbs of Ashgrove, Bardon & The Gap. Today there is 10 to 12.
So the big city daily is dead as a real estate medium – however the local paper delivered to each letter box in the district is maintaining some currency and certainly offers value to the home seller at $1,200 – $1,300 a page or around $ 80 to $100 per unit in full colour.
I like Greg don’t think the local paper it is dead. As the cost of digital marketing rises and it is on a rapid upswing, the local paper will play it part in the matrix of advertising mediums because of its low costs. The challenge for the Local papers will be to retain and increase there readership and relevancy to their local market so the medium has an commercial audience of some scale worthy of being a major source of Real Estate information. The local paper could almost low the cost for real estate advertising – effectively subsiding the home sellers in order to maintain and grow their audience.
Certainly, the News boys made a catastrophic blunder not lowering their real estate advertising rates particularly on Saturday’s, when challenged by the their digital competition. Consequently – Saturdays circulation has plundered and beyond restoration. Had they show some foresight instead of their insatiable greed they might have a very good week-end paper whose readership is supported by property lookers and had a great future. Their only strategy they have was to “Put up the prices – they’ll pay” and this one minded dimensionalism is the reason for the demise of a once great weekend read.
Video is good. Of course we have to abandon print advertising……..because we have to pay exorbitant increases by Realestate.com !!!!!!!!!!! We still get dozens and dozens of customers asking for property newspaper. They still like to ‘hold’ something in their hand without ‘zooming’ in and fiddling on a damn tablet!